Chart Module

The Chart Module is where the clinical information is entered and organized for a patient.

See our Chart Module playlist.

Other options:

Chart Toolbar

Graphical Chart

The Graphical Tooth Chart shows all restorative treatment that has been performed or is planned for the patient. Drag the slider bar under the tooth chart to view procedure changes to the tooth chart over time.


To show/hide tab details, click the currently selected tab.

Patient Info

Patient information is in the lower left. The fields that appear are defined in Display Fields. Double-click a white row to open Edit Patient Information.

Note: Patient Fields only show if there are PatFields added to Fields Showing in Display Fields, ChartPatientInformation.

A summary of medical information appears in pink/light red by default. To change the color of the medical area, see Definitions: Misc Colors. Double-click on a medical row to open the Medical.

Progress Notes

The grid title and items that show in the Progress Notes area are determined by the options selected for the active Chart View under the Show tab.

To edit an item in the Progress Notes, double-click on it. Right-click to view additional options.

Items in the Progress Notes are sorted in the following order:

  1. Date (oldest on top)
  2. Type (task, procedure, sheet, etc.)
    • Procedures are sorted in the following order:
      1. Date (oldest on top)
      2. Status (treatment planned procedures show before completed procedures)
      3. Priority (highest to lowest based on the order on priority options)
      4. Tooth number (no tooth number first, then lowest to highest)
      5. Procedure Code (lowest to highest)

See Show Chart Views for additional information on filtering the Progress Notes section.

Right-Click Options: Right-click options change depending on items selected. Unavailable options are greyed out. Some right-click options may be hidden depending on a user's Permissions

Use the Show Tab, Search box to search through progress notes using a word or phrase.

Note: Forms designed using sheets can only be deleted by double-clicking the form, then deleting it from the Fill Sheet window. Deleted sheets are not permanently removed from the database. They can be viewed in Audit mode and also restored if needed.

Paging (<<, <, >, >>): As progress notes become longer, use the arrows or numbers to navigate through progress note pages. Paging only appears if the patient has more than 500 items in their progress notes (commlogs, procedures, tasks, emails, etc). When the progress notes are sorted by a column, paging is disabled for the results until the Chart Module is refreshed."

Image Tabs

The tabs below Patient Info reflect Image categories that have been marked as Show in Chart module in Definitions: Image Categories. This is useful to view items like radiographs and photos directly in the Chart Module.