ERA Match with Claim
If Open Dental cannot automatically find matching claims for an ERA, then users are prompted to find the correct claim.
In an ERA, in the Claims Paid grid, double-click on an EOB. If a matching claim is not found, the ERA 835 Claim Select window opens..
When attempting to automatically match ERAs with a claim, Open Dental looks for this criteria:
Claim identifiers are viewable on the Edit Claim - Misc Tab.
Change the filters to find the claim associated with the ERA.
Find: Click to search for a patient.
Date From/To: The date of service on a claim.
Claim Fee: The total fee on a claim (i.e., total fee billed to insurance).
Click Refresh to update the results.
All claims for the selected patient are listed in this grid. Claims matching the filter criteria are listed in red text. Select a claim from the list to view procedure detail.
Columns: Columns reflect claim information as it is entered in Open Dental.
The Procedure Matching Details show a list of procedures on the selected claim. If they match the ERA, they display in green. If they do not match the ERA, they display in red. When matching procedures, Open Dental looks for the following criteria:
A procedure in black indicates the procedure is on the Open Dental Claim and not an ERA or has been marked received.
All claims attached to the selected patient are displayed in the Claims grid, follow the steps below to match the correct claim to the ERA.
If information on the claim and ERA do not match, the user may receive an error message when attempting to match. Below are error messages that may occur and how to proceed.
Error: A matching claim was found but the patient name the carrier sent does not match the patient on the claim.
Solution: Click OK to continue processing the claim on the ERA. Users should verify the claim is correct before processing it as part of the ERA.
Error: Date of service on claim does not match service date range on ERA. Continue anyway?
Solution: Click OK to continue processing the claim on the ERA. Users should verify the claim is correct before processing it as part of the ERA.
Error: Claim fee on claim does not match ERA. Continue anyway?
Solution: Click OK to continue processing the claim on the ERA. Users should verify the claim is correct before processing it as part of the ERA.
If a claim needs to be detached:
If the correct claim is selected, but the user is unable to proceed with processing through the ERA window, the claim must be detached from the ERA and processed from the Account Module instead. See ERA Workflow: Detaching a Claim for detailed steps.