Graphic Reports Setup

Graphic Reports Setup Mode is where changes can be made to the graphic report tabs, the reports in each tab, and the settings for each individual report.

In the Graphic Reports window, click Setup.

The Graphical Setup permission is required to set up reports.


Organize Graphic Reports

Use tabs to organize graphic reports. Each tab can contain an unlimited amount of reports.

Reports are organized by cell in rows and columns.

Hover over a report in a tab to view individual report options:

Delete an entire column of empty cells (column to be deleted will be outlined in red).

Delete an entire row of empty cells (row to be deleted will be outlined in red).

Remove a report from a cell (report to be deleted will be outlined in red).

Drag a report to a different cell.

Refresh the report data.

Open the Print Settings window. See Print/Export a Report.

Edit the report criteria.

Customize Individual Reports

To customize a report, hover over the report, then click the Edit icon.

The Edit Cell window will display report options as well as a preview of the report.

Below is a description of options. Options will vary depending on the graph type.

Group By Provider/Clinic: Only shows when using Clinics. Determines how report results are grouped.

Report specific options: These options only show on specific reports, usually at the top.

Chart Title: The header for the report.

Display: The X axis (quantity). Options vary depending on the graph type.

Series Type: Display options for plotted data.

Stacked Area

Stacked Column, Column


Group By: The Y axis (time interval). Options include days, weeks, months, or years.

Legend: Where to show a report color legend (e.g. identify colors by provider or clinic). To hide the legend, select None.

Filter Dates: The report date range.

Series Grouping: Select additional grouping options for report data.