Wiki Edit

Add and edit wiki pages to meet the needs of the practice.

In the Wiki, click Edit.

Create a New Page

There are several options to create a Wiki page.

Option 1: Toolbar

  1. In the toolbar, click +Add.
  2. Enter the Page Title and click OK. Text entered will determine the Page Name and the Page Title (heading 1).

Option 2: Using Brackets

Option 2: Existing Page

  1. On any existing page, click Edit.
  2. Click Int Link.

    Note: To link to an archived wiki page, check Include Archived Pages. Archived pages are prepended with (Archived).
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the page title and click OK to create a new wiki page and link to it in the existing page.

Note: Page Name determines how the page is labeled in Search results. Both Page Name and page content factor in a search ranking.

Edit a Wiki Page

  1. Open the page you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit in the toolbar.
  3. Enter the changes in the editing area on the left. Changes will show in real time as they will appear on the right.
  4. Click Save or Save as Draft.

Wiki Toolbar

This toolbar appears across the top of the page when you create or edit a page.

Formatting & Keywords

Keywords: Add keywords to a page using the following pattern: [[keywords: office, tasks, workflow, employee, end of day, closing tasks]] Keywords can be inserted anywhere in the wiki. There is a 255-charater limit.

Bulleted Lists: Use asterisks * without a space after them. A line without an asterisk ends the list. Sub-bullets are not supported.

Numbered Lists: Use hashes # without a space after them. A line without a hash ends the list. Sub-bullets are not supported.

  1. #first item in list
  2. #second item
  3. #last item

Special Characters: < and >. These characted must be prefixed with an ampersand (&). Example: &> or &<

Images: To place an image in the Wiki, save it in the A-Z Folders in the Wiki subfolder. If an image doesn't exist, the page cannot be saved.

  1. To import a file to this list, click Import and select the file.
  2. Double-click on the image name in the Wiki list.


Table markup cannot be edited directly in the page. Instead users must use the Table interface. Borders are always 1, cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0. Carriage returns are allowed inside cells. There is no control over shading or colors.

Note: Tables are useful, but they do not support huge cells. As a single cell gets more than 10 or 20 lines tall, users may have trouble editing it because of lack of scrollbars. In that case, consider ordinary text with section headings instead of tables.
If having difficulty editing a large cell, users may wish to select all cell text (Ctrl+A), copy (Ctrl+C), paste (Ctrl+V) and edit in another software and paste back into the cell.

Click Table to insert a table at cursor. Add or delete columns and rows on the right side of the screen.

Man Edit: Manually edit table Markup.

Column: Select buttons to edit columns.

Row: Select buttons to edit rows.

Paste Cells: Click to paste data from another table. To copy data from an external table to a wiki table, users must be running Google Chrome. If it is a complex table, users may need to copy/paste in pieces. First, copy the external table cells. Then click Table, make sure there are enough columns, then click Paste Cells.

To bold the text within a cell, edit the text outside of the Table window.