eService Activity Log

The eService Activity Log tracks actions that have been done in various eServices.

In the Main Menu, click Reports, eService Activity Log.

Filters: Use the filters to narrow down the activity log results.

Once filters are selected, click Refresh to update the results.

eService Actions

Most actions are self-explanatory. Below are a few that need additional explanation.

Action Details
Patient Portal - Patient Allowed Submission of Duplicate Payment The patient opted to allow the duplicate payment made via Patient Portal (PayConnect users only)
Patient Portal - Patient Notified of Possible Duplicate Payment The patient is warned when attempting to make a duplicate payment via Patient Portal (PayConnect users only)
Patient Portal - Patient Rejected Submission of Duplicate Payment The patient opted to decline the duplicate payment made via Patient Portal (PayConnect user only)
Web Sched - Patient Was Sent 2FA Code When using Web Sched, the patient was sent two-factor authentication (via email or text)