API Commlogs

See API Specification

Commlogs GET

Version Added: 21.1

Get all commlogs for a patient.

PatNum: Required.

Example Request:
GET /commlogs?PatNum=15

Example Response:
"CommlogNum": 2,
"PatNum": 15,
"CommDateTime": "2021-02-07 03:25:29",
"CommType": "239",
"commType": "Misc",
"Note": "Left msg on answering machine",
"Mode_": "Phone",
"SentOrReceived": "Sent"
"CommlogNum": 1,
"PatNum": 15,
"CommDateTime": "2021-02-07 03:09:00",
"CommType": "236",
"commType": "Insurance",
"Note": "Note for John Smith",
"Mode_": "Mail",
"SentOrReceived": "Received"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

Commlogs POST (create)

Version Added: 21.1

Creates a commlog for the patient.

PatNum: Required.
Note: Required.

CommDateTime: Optional. String in "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss" format. Default now.
CommType: Optional. definition.DefNum where definition.Category=27. Default Miscellaneous.
commType: Optional. definition.ItemName where definition.Category=27. Will be used over CommType if both are specified.
Mode_: Either "None", "Email", "Mail", "Phone", "In Person", "Text", "Email and Text", or "Phone and Text". Default "Phone".
SentOrReceived: Either "Neither", "Sent", or "Received". Default "Sent".

Prior to version 23.3.7, the response would not include the commlog object.

Example Requests:
POST /commlogs

"PatNum": 15,
"Note": "Left msg on answering machine"

"PatNum": 30,
"commType": "ApptRelated",
"CommDateTime": "2022-01-01 11:19:00",
"Mode_": "Text",
"SentOrReceived": "Received",
"Note": "Appointment confirmed for 9:15am."

Example Response:
"CommlogNum": 14,
"PatNum": 30,
"CommDateTime": "2022-01-01 11:19:00",
"CommType": "235",
"commType": "ApptRelated",
"Note": "Appointment confirmed for 9:15am.",
"Mode_": "Text",
"SentOrReceived": "Received"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)