API RefAttaches

See API Specification

See Referrals and EHR Summaries of Care for more information.

RefAttaches GET

Version Added: 22.4.27

Gets a list of refattaches.


PatNum: Optional. Filter responses by PatNum.

Example Requests:
GET /refattaches
GET /refattaches?PatNum=25

Example Response:
"RefAttachNum": 1,
"ReferralNum": 3,
"referralName": "Steve N Stevens, DDS",
"PatNum": 25,
"ItemOrder": 0,
"RefDate": "2022-01-05",
"ReferralType": "RefFrom",
"RefToStatus": "None",
"Note": "",
"IsTransitionOfCare": "false",
"ProcNum": 0,
"DateProcComplete": "0001-01-01",
"ProvNum": 0,
"DateTStamp": "2022-01-05 10:13:12"

200 OK
400 BadRequest "Patient has been deleted".
404 NotFound "Patient not found".

RefAttaches POST (create)

Version Added: 21.2

Attaches a patient to a referral source. The referral source must be specified by either ReferralNum or referralName. Before calling this method, use Referrals GET to find the ReferralNum of an existing referral source. Alternatively, specify a referralName to search the LName of existing referrals for an exact match. If a match is not found, a new referral with that name is created and used.

PatNum: Required. FK to patient.PatNum.
ReferralNum: This or referralName is required. FK to referral.ReferralNum.
referralName: This or ReferralNum is required.
RefDate: Optional. String in "yyyy-MM-dd" format. The date the referral source is attached to the patient. Default to today's date.
ReferralType: Optional. Either "RefTo", "RefFrom", or "RefCustom". Default "RefFrom".
RefToStatus: Optional. Typically only used with outgoing referrals. Either "None", "Declined", "Scheduled", "Consulted", "InTreatment", or "Complete". Default "None".
Note: Optional. Referral note specific to this patient.
IsTransitionOfCare: (Added in version 23.3.26) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Used to track EHR events. Default "false".
ProcNum: (Added in version 23.3.26) Optional. FK to procedurelog.ProcNum. Default 0.
DateProcComplete: (Added in version 23.3.26) Optional. String in "yyyy-MM-dd" format. Default "0001-01-01".
ProvNum: (Added in version 23.3.26) Optional. FK to provider.ProvNum. Can only be specified when ReferralType is "RefTo". Default 0.

Example Requests:
POST /refattaches

"PatNum": 972,
"ReferralNum": 17,
"ReferralType": "RefTo",
"RefToStatus": "Scheduled",
"Note": "12052 - Called Dr. Bokish to confirm this has been scheduled.",
"RefDate": "2023-12-05",
"ProvNum": 8

Example Response:
"RefAttachNum": 568,
"ReferralNum": 17,
"referralName": "Bokish",
"PatNum": 972,
"ItemOrder": 7,
"RefDate": "2023-12-05",
"ReferralType": "RefTo",
"RefToStatus": "Scheduled",
"Note": "",
"IsTransitionOfCare": "false",
"ProcNum": 1192,
"DateProcComplete": "0001-01-01",
"ProvNum": 8,
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-07 11:43:15"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

RefAttaches PUT (update)

Version Added: 23.3.26

Updates an existing refattach.

RefAttachNum: Required in the URL.

ReferralNum: FK to referral.ReferralNum.
RefDate: The date the referral source was attached to the patient.
ReferralType: Either "RefTo", "RefFrom", or "RefCustom".
RefToStatus: Either "None", "Declined", "Scheduled", "Consulted", "InTreatment", or "Complete".
Note: Referral notes specific to this patient. Overwrites existing note.
IsTransitionOfCare: Either "true" or "false".
ProcNum: FK to procedurelog.ProcNum.
DateProcComplete: String in "yyyy-MM-dd" format.
ProvNum: FK to provider.ProvNum. Can only be specified when ReferralType is "RefTo".

Example Request:
PUT /refattaches/568

"ReferralNum": 17,
"ReferralType": "RefTo",
"RefToStatus": "Complete",
"Note": "12/14 - Dr. Bokish called back to confirm this has been completed.",
"DateProcComplete": "2023-12-14"

Example Response:
"RefAttachNum": 568,
"ReferralNum": 17,
"referralName": "Bokish",
"PatNum": 972,
"ItemOrder": 1,
"RefDate": "2023-12-05",
"ReferralType": "RefTo",
"RefToStatus": "Complete",
"Note": "12/14 - Dr. Bokish called back to confirm this has been completed.",
"IsTransitionOfCare": "false",
"ProcNum": 1192,
"DateProcComplete": "2023-12-14",
"ProvNum": 8,
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-14 15:17:28"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

RefAttaches DELETE

Version Added: 23.3.26

Deletes a refattach.

RefAttachNum: Required in the URL.

Example Requests:
DELETE /refattaches/867

Example Response:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)