Dental School Grading Scales

Set up Grading Scales to assess student evaluations.

In Dental School Setup, click Grading Scales.

For Dental Schools, grading scales are attached to Dental Student Evaluations to calculate a grade. To set up grading scales, the logged on user must have the Setup security permission.

Click Add, or double-click an existing grading scale to edit.

If Pick List is the grading scale type, enter the pick list items:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter the grading item details, then click OK to save.
    • Grade Showing: What shows for the student (e.g., A, B, C, D, F).
    • Grade Number: The number value associated with the grade.
    • Description: A description of the grade and value.

    Repeat for each pick list item.

Click OK to save the grading scale.