Schedule Graph

A graph of the Schedule is available to give users a visual representation of each provider and employee's work schedule for a single day.

In Schedule Setup, double-click a day. Click the Graph tab.

Alternatively, in Schedule Edit, click the Graph tab.

The graph is divided into 15 minute time segments. A vertical bar indicates the current time. Click the arrows in the upper left to move forward or back one day.

Date: The upper left corner shows the selected day. Click the arrows to move forward or back one day.

Search: This function only works from the List tab.

Clinic: Select the clinic's schedule to view.

Sort: Sort the chart by start time, stop time, or employee/provider name.

Filter: Select what should appear in the chart.

Scale: Select the start and end hour to display.

To add or enter time block, holiday, or notes, use the panel on the right. See Schedule Edit.

If Delete is clicked from the Graph tab, the entire day's schedule will be deleted.