Query Favorites

User queries can be saved to quickly access again later.

In User Query, click Favorites.


Query Favorites is a place to store frequently used queries, run queries, and control user access to queries. From here you can run, add, edit, and delete query favorites. Only queries a user has access to will display.

Security permissions control how much access a user has to queries.

Search: Type a keyword in the search to narrow results.

Show Text: Click to view the query text for the selected query. The text will display on the right.

Delete: Click to delete the selected query from the list.

Edit: Click to edit the query. See Add or Edit a Query Favorite below for details.

+ New: Click to add a new query. See Add or Edit a Query Favorite below for details.

Released: The Released column determines which queries are available to users without the User Query Admin permission. Check or uncheck queries as needed.

Add or Edit a Query Favorite

Click Add to add a new query favorite. Highlight a query and click Edit to edit query details. The Edit Favorite window will open.

Run a Favorite Query

Double-click a query from the list to run the report.