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Conversion: Split Database

A database split may be necessary when one or more providers leave a practice and want to take data belonging to their patients with them, this can be done by provider or clinic. Database splits can also be performed to create a database template that copies all settings without copying patient information. See Conversions.

Fees:  Each database split is $400. For instance, one database split into two databases for two different providers would be 2 x $400 = $800. Or, simply removing certain providers from one database (e.g., providers are no longer relevant to practice) will result in only one database, thus the charge would be $400.

Database Split Process

  1. Call Us: Contact Open Dental to schedule a Test Database Split appointment. We recommend scheduling one to two weeks in advance of your desired merge date.
  2. Test Split: You will complete a test split to get an idea of how your data will look in the final databases.
  3. Test Split Discussion: A Conversions Specialist will review your test split with you in detail and discuss any questions or concerns.
  4. Test Split Checklist: Prior to scheduling your final database split, you will need to review and verify the test split data and complete the Database Split Checklist.
  5. OpenDentImages: Prior to completing the final split, you will need to decide how to handle the Open DentImages folder. There are two options:
    • Option 1: Copy the entire OpenDentImages folder from the original location to the new location for patient scans to be accessed.
    • Option 2: For a fee of $400 per split database we can split out the scanned documents for only the patients in your database split.
  6. Final Split: Now you’re ready to schedule and complete the final database split.

Note: Open Dental does not convert an office's digital imaging software (x-rays). Contact your digital imaging software for options regarding x-rays.


Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432