Use autographs to insert a valediction, doctor name, office name, and/or contact information at the end of an email.
In the Email Message Edit window, on the left side, is the E-mail Autograph area.

Autographs are listed alphabetically by Description.
- Add: Click to create a new autograph.
- Delete: Highlight an autograph, then click to delete it.
- Insert: Highlight an autograph, then click to add it to the end of the email body.
- Edit: Highlight an autograph, then click to make changes.
Edit Email Autograph
Click Add to create a new autograph, or highlight an existing autograph and click Edit to make changes. The Edit Email Autograph window opens.
- Description: Enter an identifying name of the autograph. Displays in the E-mail Autograph area of an email draft.
- Email Address: Optional. Enter an email address associated with the autograph. When this email address is the default From address (when Email is clicked), this autograph is automatically selected. Plain text autographs are inserted into the email preview. HTML autographs are inserted after the email is sent. This field is case-sensitive and must match the case of the email address in Email Address Edit to automatically insert the signature.
- Autograph Text: Enter the text of the autograph to insert. HTML formatting is supported, but must be added manually.