Unfinalized Insurance Payment Report

Run the Unfinalized Insurance Payments Report to locate insurance payments that need to be finalized.

In Standard Reports, in the Daily section, click Unfinalized Insurance Payments.

Alternatively, in the Main Menu click Reports, Unfinalized Payments.

The number of unfinalized payments within the last 30 days will also be noted, in parentheses (e.g., Unfinalized Payments (3)), in the Reports dropdown from the Main Menu.

Note: The Open Dental Service must be running to show in order for the number of unfinalized payments to display in the Report dropdown. The number may not populate for 10+ minutes after Open Dental has been open.


Type: Select the type of insurance payments to display.

Clinics: Select clinics to include in the report. Ctrl + click to select multiple clinics or check All (includes hidden) to include all clinics, including those marked hidden.

Carrier: Type an insurance carrier name to narrow results by carrier.

Unfinalized Insurance Payment Grid

Click Refresh to update the results in the Unfinalized Insurance Insurance Payment grid. Descriptions of each column in the grid are below.

Right-click a row for additional options. Options are not available for all unfinalized payments.

Click Print to immediately print the report. Click Export to save the results as a .txt or .xls file.